Clinical Training
The Well provides training opportunities for masters level practicum and interns, doctoral level practicum students, LPC-candidates and postdoctoral residents. Training at The Well focuses on providing trainees with an integrative, educational, and autonomous clinical experience. We are committed to nurturing providers who are clinically competent, ethically grounded, spiritually mindful, and equipped to serve with compassion and integrity. The overarching goal of our training is to equip providers with the necessary clinical experience to meet licensure requirements. Additionally, our program will help trainees become autonomous practitioners, experienced supervisors, and lifelong learners who exemplify Jesus Christ through their service.
Masters Level Training
Masters Level Practicum Students
- Carry a caseload of three to four individual or couples clients
- Assist with patient screenings
- Attend weekly didactics focusing on professional development
- Receive one hour of weekly individual supervision from a doctoral student
- Receive one hour of weekly group supervision led by a LPC
- Receive a stipend of $10 per direct hour
Masters Level Interns
- Carry a caseload of eight to 10 individual or couples clients
- Receive weekly one-on-one supervision from a licensed provider
- Attend weekly didactics focusing on professional development
- Receive weekly one hour group supervision led by a LPC
- Receive a stipend of $10 per direct hour
Masters Level Candidates
- Carry a caseload of however many clients they desire
- Receive a personal fully furnished office if you carry a caseload of 20+ clients
- All billing, Soonercare credentialing, and SimplePractice fees covered by The Well
- Receive weekly one-on-one supervision from a licensed provider
- Attend weekly didactics focusing on professional development
- Receive weekly one hour group supervision led by a LPC
- Keep 65% of total amount billed
Doctoral Level Training
Doctoral Level Practicum Students
- Carry a caseload of five to six individual or couples clients
- Complete at least one psychological assessment per week
- Supervise a masters level practicum student and receive one hour of weekly supervision of supervision
- Attend weekly didactics focusing on professional development
- Receive one hour of weekly group supervision led by a LPC
- Receive a stipend of $10 per direct therapy hour and $100 per assessment
- Attend weekly assessment clinic
Postdoctoral Residents
- Set their own schedule
- Keep 65% of total amount billed
- Receive a personal fully-furnished office
- All billing, Soonercare credentialing, and SimplePractice fees covered by The Well
- Receive two hours of individual supervision each week from Dr. Secor and Dr. Lopez
- Attend weekly assessment clinic led by Dr. Secor and Dr. Lopez
- Supervise practicum students and receive weekly supervision of supervision
- Attend weekly didactics focusing on professional development
Email thewell@oklapsych.com for more information or to apply now!