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Psychological Assessments

The Well provides psychological evaluations for a variety of presenting concerns for both children and adults. Through our assessment process, we work to figure out what you think is going on, what your brain can do, and what it will do. We accept BCBS, HealthChoice, and Soonercare for psychological assessments. Further, Health Savings Account (HSA’s) allow for reimbursement for psychological testing, so checking with your HSA can be a way to pay for services. An active credit card/debit card must be on file prior to beginning testing. Call our office today for pricing options.

Brief testing

The brief testing experience is ideal for individuals seeking diagnostic clarification for specific concerns (e.g., ADHD, Autism).  These experiences include a 30-minute clinical interview in which the clinician gathers background information on the presenting issue.  From there, you will be given a performance-based measure that gathers information on how you process specific stimuli that relate to the diagnostic concern. In addition, you will complete one to two self-report screeners that collect information on your symptoms and compare those symptoms to individuals diagnosed with your specific area of concern.  From there, you will be scheduled for a feedback session. During the feedback session, you will receive a brief report (i.e., 3 to 4 pages) that will include any diagnoses found and treatment recommendations. The clinician will also guide you through how the diagnoses were gathered and what this means for your going forward. 

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (TOVA)

  • Self-Report Measures (Conners-4/WURS)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Autism Spectrum Disorder (2 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (ADOS-2)

  • Self-Report Measures (AQ-10, SQ-10, EQ-10, CAT-Q)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Diagnostic Clarification (2 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (Rorschach)

  • Self-Report Measures (MMPI-3 and Specific Screeners for Primary Presenting Issue)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Personality Organization (2 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (Rorschach)

  • Self-Report Measures (PAI, MCMI-IV)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Concussion Exam (2 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (MoCA or MMSE)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Intelligence Testing (3 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Testing (WAIS-IV)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


Learning Disorders (3 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Performance-Based Intelligence Testing (WAIS-IV)

  • Performance-Based Achievement Testing (WRAT-5)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations


CLEET Testing (3 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Self-Report Measure (MMPI-2 or 3)

  • CLEET Report


Pastoral Testing (3 Hours)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Self-Report Measures (MMPI-3, MCMI, and Specific Screeners for Primary Presenting Issue)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations

Comprehensive Psychological Assessments

Sometimes individuals are looking for or are in need of more comprehensive testing. We offer options depending on the need and diagnostic concern. Our 3D testing is where the clinician takes a “three-dimensional” look at the person, conducting a full neurocognitive battery, robust personality self-report assessments, and performance-based personality assessment.  This allows for the individual to understand their functioning at more in-depth level. The reports are comprehensive often exceeding 20 pages and complete with any relevant diagnoses and treatment recommendations.  In addition to the “3D” testing, full neuropsychological batteries are offered for individuals concerned with specific memory or cognitive impairments. Finally, oftentimes therapists are interested in learning more about a client related to treatment planning. We offer therapy-assistance testing that will include a clinical interview with the client along with a 30-minute pre-and-post consultation with the therapist.  The therapist will complete a personality assessment on the client (i.e., the SWAP assessment) while the client completes a self-report measure (i.e., the MMPI-3) and a performance-based measure (i.e., the Rorschach).  The final report will include diagnostic considerations but also a specifically tailed treatment plan for the client and therapist to use in therapy. This treatment plan will take into account the PDM-2’s understanding of personality organization and style to provide more insightful treatment options. 

3D Testing (Cognitive, Self-Report, Psychological Performance)

  • Clinical Interview

  • Comprehensive Cognitive Battery (WAIS-IV, Learning & Memory, Attention, Language, Visuoconstructional, Executive Functioning)

  • Comprehensive Personality/Psychopathology Battery (MMPI-3, MCMI-IV, PAI)

  • Performance-Based Personality (Rorschach)

  • Comprehensive Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations​



  • Clinical Interview

  • Comprehensive Cognitive Battery (WAIS-IV, Learning & Memory, Attention, Language, Visuoconstructional, Executive Functioning)

  • Personality/Psychopathology (MMPI-3)

  • Comprehensive Report, Feedback Session, Recommendations​


Therapy & Treatment Planning

  • Clinical Interview with Client (30 minutes)

  • Consultation with Therapist (30 minutes)

  • Clinician Administered Personality Assessment (SWAP Assessment)

  • Client Self-Report Measure (MMPI-3)

  • Client Performance-Based Measure (Rorschach)

  • Brief Report, Feedback Session, Therapy Specific Recommendations


Couples Assessments

Couples testing helps couples learn about commonalities and differences in personality style and how to navigate those differences in their relationship.  This testing experience includes a couples specific interview, performance-based testing using the Rorschach, and Gottman Method assessments.  The Rorschach is a measure of what the brain “will do” when faced with ambiguity and provides couples with the opportunity to learn how each partner navigates the world of uncertainty (i.e., how they solve problems, what they attend to, how well they notice other people’s experiences, how they respond to emotion).  From there, couples will complete a self-report measure (i.e., the NEO-PI-3) evaluating personality traits and Gottman Method assessments that assist with determining strengths and weaknesses in your relationship.  Couples will then be provided a brief report (i.e., 3-4 pages) related to their results and will participate in a feedback session where the clinician will guide the couple through what the findings mean for their relationship moving forward. â€‹


The Well Psychology and Counseling
4107 N Council Rd, Building C

 Bethany, OK


Connect with us
@okla.psych on Instagram

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